Signature Best Florida Realty
8177 Glades Road, . Boca Raton, FL 33434
(954) 551-3792
dlevitt@signaturebestfloridarealty.comDebra Levitt
Debra is a member of Signature Best Florida Realty Group, a top ranking South Florida
Real estate Co. She specializes in 55+ Communities.They have Condos, and Homes throughout the Boca Raton and Broward County areas. She is experienced in the Real Estate business having worked 20+ years in the field. Her passion and love combined with her,honesty, and integrity make her an invaluable asset to her Real Estate Clients.She guides each and every customer with the highest level of dedication and commitment through the entire Buying and selling process.
Debra Graduated From The Pennsylvania State University With A Bachelor Degree In Humanities