Signature Best Florida Realty
8177 Glades Road, . Boca Raton, FL 33434
(561) 869-4445
(954) 296-8877
jalexandersherman@signaturebestfloridarealty.comJennete Alexander Sherman ABR, ASR
Broker Associate, Realtor®
"Real Estate is my Expertise…Helping You is My Passion!"
Jennete Alexander-Sherman is proud to offer her Real Estate services with Signature Best Florida Realty, LLC where she specializes in the Southeast Florida housing market. Signature Best Florida Realty, LLC is a one-stop shop that meets the unique demands of their clients, whether they are looking to purchase their first home, list their current property for sale, or are interested in diversifying their Real Estate portfolios.
Jennete brings to the table the passion and dedication to fulfilling her clients' wishes, as well as the hard work ethic and patience to ensure your goals are met. She is an expert negotiator who holds honesty and accountability to the highest regard as she understands that she is handling your most valuable asset.
Jennete has the skills to effectively negotiate for the best terms on her client's behalf while going the extra mile to ensure that no surprises pop up before the closing of the sale.
Active in her community, Jennete and her family volunteer their time with various charitable organizations. They most recently participated in the One Million Meal Feed the Hunger Program.
Jennete's personal vision is simple: To use my passion, dedication, hard work and expertise to help people achieve their Real Estate need with success and ease.
Contact Jennete Alexander-Sherman for your next sale or purchase and learn how you can become her next success story.